

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Word Whisperer

Literary Analysis and Rhetorical Devises

(page viii, paragraph 4.)

“How could this relationship between Communist No. 1 and anti-Communist No.1 come to be?“
This question is alluding Khrushchev a communist man part of the Soviet Union directly below Stalin during the Political Reform in Russia and Solzhenitsyn the author of the book “One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich“ who´s totally against the communist because of his way of thinking about the society, “Men had forgotten God, that´s why all this is happening“ that´s what he said in the “Solzhenitsyn Voice from the Gulag“ in 1985. The effect that the ironic-allusion cause on me was sort of fun and it opened my mind to think about  those two characters of history, also make more clear the idea the writer is giving.

(page xii, paragraph 3)

“To what extent is Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn himself?“ This rhetorical question tell us about the character, and the amount (that we do not know yet) Ivan Denisovich is completely based on its creator Solzhenitsyn, his feelings, everything he has went through (his personal experiences) in more important the strong feelings he had against the war, the Soviet Union, the Political Reform, and the human values.

(page 3, paragraph 1)

“It was cold outside, and the camp guard was reluctant to go on beating out the reveille for long“
This is an imagery that helps you understand the environment in jail, although it was really cold outside the author  also wants you to get the idea of the loneliness, anger, depression and sadness that all the prisoners felt, with the camp guard part you make an idea of how this thing also contributed in every feeling of the prisoners, they were basically the reveille.

(page 13 , paragraph 4)

“Rice?. Rice is in a different category. you can´t compare cereal with rice.“ Personally I really like this metaphor because the guard is technically saying that he is the cereal and Sukhov is the rice, the rice that is served in prison, a cheap rice, the most disgusting one, this is also affects the book because it makes you a more open imagery to understand the ranges in prison and how they affect one another.

(page 17, paragraph 5)

“The sky was quite dark, The camp lights drove away the stars. The broad beams of the two searchlights were still sweeping the zone .“ The imagery that is given here tells you about the night in jail, of how the prisoners were watched every day and every night, although the sky was dark the searchlights were working and the pressure was always there.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ha !
    I found your first stylistic technique example very interesting , it is both a rhetorical question and a contrasting pairs. I think the question refers to how can two opposite sides have a good relationship. I think that for two opposite sides to have a good relationship , respect is needed. I think that's what Krushchev and Solzhenitsyn had. For the second stylistic technique , I agree, it is referring to Ivan's life , characteristics and past. For the imagery , I as well agree , it helps us think about the camp's environment and the living conditions for prisoners.

    I found the metaphor very interesting. I found it kind of racist , to the prisoners. The guard was technically saying prisoners are inferior and that they didn't belong their. The funniest part is that if you think about it rice and cereal are part of the same group , which is grain. So , maybe the guard could have used another metaphor to express better what he was saying.

    The last technique , which is an imagery helps you , again , to think about the environment provided in the camp. As I was reading your post I found it interesting when you mentioned "jail", do you really think it is a jail ? I think is a camp more than a jail. Do you agree ?
