

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The journey to a day in Ivans life

Historical Context Questions

Which ideas in your novel are connected to its particular setting, and which ideas are still relevant today?

In "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich" By Alexandre Solzhenitsyn. It's a fictional book, based on a real historical event. The setting take's place in a Russia, at a soviet Union Labor camp. It takes place during World War Two, and is about what one day of a prisoner is like in this camp. The idea of a labor camp in Russia is that it's one of the coldest place in the world, and every prisoner in this camp has to live with the fretful weather, war and labor camp. This soviet Union camp was run by a government, They also had a "the NKVD was the Soviet secret police". Source "These commissions were employed as an instrument of extrajudicial punishmentSource . And a quote from the book is on (page 3) And it say's- "At five o'clock that morning reveille was sounded, as usual, by the blows of a hammer on a length of rail hanging up near the staff quarters. The intermittent sounds barely penetrated the windowpanes on which the frost lay two fingers thick, and they ended almost as soon as they'd begun. It was cold outside, and the campguard was reluctant to go on beating out the reveille for long."

This idea is relevant today, because not to long ago in our humanities class we we're reading Anne Frank's journal. This context happened during the same time period. Also, Anne, and many other people also went to camps similar to the one he went through, but even worse. While learning about the holocaust we also learned a segment about the Labor Camp in Russia from Mr. Lipman. He told us about how his dad went to the Labor Camp in Russia. He also mentioned that he has a an artifact of a note from a person that did not survive in the holocaust. they went all the way from Hungary to Russia to deliver the letter too. And here's a picture to go with my this part of my blog post-

Literary Analysis Questions

Is the book’s structure chronological or does it move back and forth between past and present?  Does the author use a single (first or third person) viewpoint or shifting points of view?  Why might the author have chosen to tell the story this way and how does it influence the reader’s understanding?

The book is Chronological. And it didn't move back and forth from the past to the present. Instead they went deeply into detail about what a day was like for Ivan Denisovich. In the afterward there's a quote on page (171- 172) "Using "one day" as a for a novel is even more dynmaic because it expands the grid of inspection so much that an entire universe of detail can be pored in. If you're going to spend all day with one person, or a small group of people, you're going to learn a lot." In this quote it explains how using the way that the author did. It will also make the audience more intrigued on the character's perspective, life and circumstance. While reading this book, each chapter had tons of detail, which made it fell like you were really there. The way that the author choose to do his book made a bigger influence on the reader because it added more depth and detail in The life of Ivan.

In the "Afterword the author say's on page (174) - " And so we have One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich-ostensibly one day in the life of a gulag prisoner. Of course it's fiction, but it is so much more than that." The book is based on a true historical event, but it isn't all entirely true. that's why it's fiction, like what I said in the historical context. In the book, the viewpoint was third person. It made it different from all the other books we've got to read over this year. All the other books such as, Red Scarf Girl, Maus and Persopolis and etc. Was mainly all in 1st person. Reading "One Day Of the Life Of Ivan Denisovich, was a different view point that we've done in this past year. Which made it more original and unique, and I enjoyed that part of the book. And a picture to go with my paragraphs is of a clock, because it shows how the book went in Chronological order. Which means the timing was normal and it didn't go from back the past to the present during the book. Source


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