

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Alicia One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich Week 1 Question Commander.

Question 1: If the book only shows us one day in Ivan's life but has almost 180 pages, what do you think the book will be about/what will happen?

From what I've read so far, I think this book will be about the work he has to do in one day but explaining things, giving details, and talking about what happened on other days. It also shows all his thoughts and feelings.

Question 2: Do you think Ivan will do something that the guards disagree with but helps himself or his friends? (Like trying to run away, stealing something, hiding, etc.)

Keeping a Journal Can Change Your Life

So far I can't tell, but Ivan doesn't seem like the kind of man who would do that. He mostly does what he is told because he knows the consequences and tries to not attract too much attention. However I do wonder what the climax of this book will be, if there even is one.

Question 3: Do you think you could survive in a camp like this for a week? What would be your strategy?  I don't think I could survive in one of these camps, at least not at my age. Mainly because you have to work a lot and there is very little food, and I wouldn't have any energy. My strategy would be to try to do what I have to do and not talk a lot, and get as much rest as I can.



  1. Alicia,
    Your post really helped me think, the questions you came up really helped me. For example question 2, it made me think about who the main characters really is. As you said, he's a very innocent person, not really a "trouble-maker" or someone who would do something wrong. But then, the question that popped into my mind was; if he's such a good person, why is he in a prison? Also, question number 3, made me think too. It made me wonder how old he is, he seems like an adult, but some of the actions he does, for example eating and spitting out the fish bones, that's something a child would do. On the other hand, if he actually is an adult, how long has he been in prison for?
    Great post,


  2. Great post, Alicia!
    Question 2: Do you think Ivan will do something that the guards disagree with but helps himself or his friends? (Like trying to run away, stealing something, hiding, etc.)
    I predict that in the future, that will eventually happen, but for now, he will just keep his head down and obey what ever he is told to do. He will do everything he can to survive the camp. So, as I also said in my post, he will follow a certain advice he received when he got to the camp. The advice is the following:
    "The ones that don't make it are those who lick other men's leftovers, those who count on the doctors to pull them through, and those who squeal on their buddies." As for squealers, he was wrong there. Those people
    were sure to get through camp all right Only, they were saving their own skin at the expense of other people's blood. Sbukhov always arose at reveille. But this day
    he didn't. He had felt strange the evening before, feverish, with pains all over his body." (Pg.5)
    So, everything he does, his actions and reactions, are all based on this belief. As I said before, for now, I don't believe he will do something that the guards disagree with.
    QUESTION: Do you think he will continue to be obedient throughout the whole book, or something will happen that will change him? If so, what?
    Thank you,

  3. Alicia, I really liked your post. You had questions like Question 1 that I wouldn't have thought about but here is what I think be the answer:
    Question 1: If the book only shows us one day in Ivan's life but has almost 180 pages, what do you think the book will be about/what will happen?
    I think that it is going to have even more details than a regular book would have. Also I think that it will be more focused on thoughts like the foreword in which the author explained bit by bit of Ivan's life after writing the book. To finish off, I think your post was good.

  4. I really liked your post, This post made me think more about the book, for example question 3 It made me think on what would I do, and as you already told it is almost impossible to came with a plan that will work, because you would have little food, and also, it is surrounded by guards and if the guards caught you, they would probably kill you or do something really bad to you. I really liked your post and It really helped me to think more about the book.
